Saturday, February 5, 2011

An Unlikely Discovery

When I chose to switch over to the blog name Married in Chicago I didn't do much research on whether someone else was already using it or if there were other Married in Whatever City or State blogs out there. So, I was pretty excited when feedly alerted me to a a Married in Ohio blog. This was certainly a good start to a wonderful blog friendship, right?


Turns out that Married in Ohio is a NSFW blog run by a couple in their forties detailing their sexual exploitations - pictures and all! (I'm not going to link to it here because I don't want them to be able to track visitors back to my site). After being totally sketched out, I can't help but giggle at this unfortunate coincidence. Thankfully, the man who writes Married in San Diego keep his clothes on. But, his blog seems to mainly detail the awful arguments he has with his wife. Yikes!

So I need you to do some detective work for me.  Are there any other Married In . . . blogs that I should know about?


  1. That's hilarious! There's another blog I read (OMGMom) that has a very similar URL that's a porn site.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Every comment brings a smile to my face!